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In 2025, environmental technologies will represent a global market of €4,400 billion, twice as much as in 2010. Eastern France is one of the leading regions in this field.

Key figures

  • 5,800 companies in the environment sector

Eastern France, expert in water and waste management

France is the European leader in the production of energy from waste recycling, and the world leaders in the water and waste management market are located in Eastern France. Cleantech is extremely important for the Region as environmental challenges have become more important due to its geographical proximity to Germany, Belgium, Switzerland and Luxembourg.

Networks of excellence to support the sector

A cluster of the water sector in Eastern France, HYDREOS is active in the fields of sustainable water infrastructure, intelligent water management and wetland ecosystems. It has 160 members, including companies, laboratories and local authorities.

Also active in the cleantech field, the Build & Connect cluster and the Véhicule du Futur cluster participate in the global vision of the sector by encouraging projects oriented towards sustainable development. In addition, more than 500 researchers work in the field of water in the region’s universities and companies.

Cleantech companies have chosen Eastern France

World leaders in water and waste management, recognised experts in air treatment and neutralisation, prestigious international companies in the field of measurement and control technologies: they have all found Eastern France to be a suitable territory for their establishment.

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